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  • Gallery Func

    Object:Third Sense Chialing Chang & Chiu Chih INSTALLATION VIEWS WORKS ARTISTS Inside the gallery space, mini video installation Rain Drop by artist Chiu Chih wanders around in tandem with Aluminum, in which seven aluminum blocks all seem to be imbued with free will. It’s hard to tell whether they are driving in the room unconsciously or not. Speaking of driving and traffic, in another of Chiu’s series, the artist resorts to car door and zebra cross as base materials and plays with people’s cognitive systems. ​ Works such as Zebra Cross, Zebra Treadmill and Exit all stand for signs and objects indispensable from the act of driving. Through the damaged car door which is patched with a soft sofa cushion, the artist brings the dynamics on the road into the gallery space, leading viewers to confront the result of road rage. At the sight of the aftermath and the unusually calm atmosphere, a sense of dissonance is evoked. Moreover, the wide leather belt patterned with zebra cross keep rolling, giving viewers the impression as if they were watching a single-channel video and revealing new vision and visual meaning from within the interplay between the symbolic objects and iconographic perception. ​ The two pieces selected from Afternoon Rain 03: Refracted Series by artist Chang Chia Ling render her personal impression of rain traces left on windows in the form of glass. Ultimately modern yet essentially elegant, her ingenious use of the Spring Pool Glass imbues the work with a sense of ephemerality and manages to capture the most beautiful moment from memories. Sequence 01: Cone hung from the ceiling in the other gallery room introduces notions such as materiality, relativity and tension into the exhibition, and presents our own place in time and space at this very moment. The exhibition invites audience to observe the works in the forms of new media and installation and through the perspectives of material and technology. Empathy and perception enable human beings to extend the center of senses, making art as a contemporary medium a product of both singularity and multiplicity. ​ Text: Melony Chiu ​ Chiu Chih, Born in 1990, graduated in Innovation Design Engineering(IDE) from Royal College of Art(RCA) and Imperial College London, Chih worked as a design technologist in Volkswagen Group Innovation Center Asia. Therefore, most of the creations use modern industrial process media materials as materials; Chiu Chih is good at observing the relationship between the application and technology of daily life, and proposes another point of view and possibility. ​ Chialing Chang is a designer who currently resides in Taipei and works globally. After joining Jin Kuramoto Studio as a product designer in Tokyo (2017-2019), she studied at ECAL(Écolecantonale d'art de Lausanne) in Design for Luxury and Craftsmanship (2019-2020). She was selected as Under30 young talents by Designart Tokyo twice in 2019 and 2022. In 2021, Chang established an interdisciplinary creative practice"messagingleaving". It extracts the distinct characteristic from each of us, tailors it to the individual, and embeds it as an integral part of the expression. Under the versatile understanding of the structure and material, messagingleaving places importance on ideology, seeking multiple perspectives across art and design.

  • Ayobola Kekere-Ekun 不更 | Gallery Func

    錨點 1 Ayobola Kekere - Ekun b.1993 Ayobola Kekere-Ekun was born in 1993 in Lagos, Nigeria and is a contemporary visual artist. She received her BA and MA in Visual Arts from the Department of Creative Arts, University of Lagos; where she majored in Graphic Design. WORK OVERVIEW EXHIBITIONS ARTICLES 錨點 2 ARTWORKS 錨點 3 EXHIBITION 0X0A9159-编辑.jpg Hidden Message Nov 10 - Dec 12, 2021

  • Matthew F Fisher 暂时不更新 | Gallery Func

    Matthew F Fisher WORK OVERVIEW ARTICLES EXHIBITIONS Matthew F. Fisher was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1976 and lives and works in Los Angeles, California. He graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2000. ​ Artist Talk: The idea of being an artist chose me. My parents were extremely supportive of my desire to make art and encouraged it throughout my life. Honestly, it was the only thing I was good at as a child. What art is to me is an opportunity to see the world through someone else's eyes and hands. I tend to enjoy other artists who make work radically different from my own. I want to see, feel, and think like they do; as, I can't do that with my own work. Art is an open door to the rest of the world. One just has to look and walk through. I am always looking and finding inspiration in any number of different places. I love old books for the opportunity to find forgotten knowledge, I prefer illustrations to photographs for the reason stated above, and I always try to surprise myself with the imagery and in turn surprise the viewer. What these paintings are about is the idea of the universal and personal. We have all seen sunsets, waves, stars, the solar system as a whole. But it's the way that we remember those moments that my work is grounded in. These are so big, that for us to understand them they must become small, like memories in our mind. I am so thrilled to be able to present these paintings to a new audience. I hope you find that what I set out to paint is both familiar and abstract. That our shared experiences allow for others to see what I see, feel what I feel, and understand that deeper meaning behind these works is known. Gained and understood through a life being lived. ​ ​ ​ ​ 錨點 1 錨點 2 ARTWORK 錨點 3 EXHIBITIONS GZ Contemporary Art Fair ​ December 26 - December 29, 2021 The Fiction July 11- August 11, 2021 錨點 4

  • Yajing Ge | Gallery Func

    錨點 1 GE Yajing b.1990 WORK OVERVIEW EXHIBITIONS ARTICLES Ge Yajing was born in Luoyang in 1990 and graduated from the Oil Painting Department of the School of Fine Arts of Nanjing Normal University as a postgraduate in 2016. For the artist, she prefers the natural, even slightly juvenile, art to the buzz of reality and the alienation of social situations, while constantly polishing to make her painting language clearer and richer. Yajing feels that all those fine polishings and layers of padding are very important for the early stages of painting. She says, "Painting is like some kind of naturally growing organic matter, driven more by the creator's intuition, any kind of material has its own unique texture and language, "going deeper and deeper", rearranging and editing, like a game or a film. " 錨點 2 ARTWORKS 錨點 3 EXHIBITIONS DSC03850.jpg West Bund Art & Design 2022 Nov10 - Nov 13 2022

  • Juan de Larica | Gallery Func

    錨點 1 Juan de Larica b.1995 Ding Hongdan, born in Guangzhou in December1995, graduated from the Third Studio of Oil Painting Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts, receiving a bachelor's degree in 2018 and a master's degree in 2021. She is currently studying a Ph.D. program at CAFA, supervised by professor Liu Xiaodong. ​ WORK OVERVIEW EXHIBITIONS ARTICLES ARTWORKS 錨點 2 EXHIBITION 錨點 3

  • Gallery Func

    Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Mar 3 - Apr 15 2023 PETER JEPPSON INSTALLATION VIEWS WORKS ARTISTS When passing by your local fruits and vegetables stand one will mainly focus on the produce that's on display. But behind that obvious focal point, there is the shop owner's creativity, expertise, and hard work in charge of supplying, presenting, offering, and distributing the goods. Sort of similar to that, Peter Jeppson's work features comic-like characters as the goods on display (formed around the same produce in this particular case). And using a similar set of self-developed skills applied through painterly language, he is presenting them for the viewer to consume and enjoy. The notion that “art is a lie (that makes us realize truth)” is in Jeppson's case almost exclusively fixating on animating insentient and unconscious objects. After casually giving life to pencils and cigarettes in the past, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables reveals a whole new cast of elusively charged characters based on tomatoes, grapes, bananas, paprikas, carrots, and such. And this introduction of a whole new gang of ludicrous heroes is not accidental. Ever since moving away from his illustration background, the Swedish artist has been equally interested in the language of painting and the suggestive power of facial expression. Although he occasionally includes other elements, the interaction and the relationship between the eyes, the nose, and the mouth, quickly became the coreof his work and practice. Working towards conveying that in-between emotion, a state where happiness dissolves into nervousness, curiosity dilutes into fear, or excitement glitches into confusion, Jeppson uses this primeval familiarity to connect with the viewer. Holding onto the idea, rather than a well-defined cast of characters, Jeppson's practice is fueled by the appreciation for raw, quick, and imperfect drawings and the continuous need for a challenge and change. Eager to keep the raw appearance of the initial sketches and doodles on a bigger scale, he is on a neverending quest of preserving the vibrancy of immediate lines and "happy little accidents". Whether using Vincent Van Gogh-like brushwork and strokes that compensate for the lack of thickness, Philip Guston's bold use of black and sharp shadows, Armen Eloyan's peculiar line-based approach, or fellow countryman Olle Schmidt's cheeky determination to tackle different aspects of the painting under his terms, the resulting work is keeping the steady level of freshness while existing in the same universe as their predecessors. And speaking of freshness, it's the idea of including new elements within the existing visual language that informed the shift towards chunkier, rounder, and squashier forms. Insisting that the overall practice is about attributing human-like qualities to other forms and not the other way around, his everyday commute inspired the shift behind the newest body of paintings and drawings. After years of working with square or stick-like forms, Jeppson recently switched to the most universally recognizable forms known to man - the often shiny, round shapes of our fruits and vegetables. In a way sabotaging his previous process, the new large color fields required fresh approaches to keeping the surfaces exciting. By mixing other colors into these large passages of solid reds, purples, or oranges, the subject kept their initial messiness and nonconformist appeal, while the background stayed smooth and vague. In combination with the purposefully vibrant and shifty linework, these uneven surfaces convey a sense of volume and depth while staying true to their original, intuitive origins. Through chunks of color applied with brushes of various sizes, illustrative trickery that suggests movement and action, and the occasional use of graffiti-like light flares, Jeppson is confidently stepping way outside of the fine art realm while revealing the subdued theme permeating these works - an hommage to everyday people performing their jobs and using creativity to provide what we take for granted. Like fresh fruits and vegetables, for example. ​ Text Saša Bogoj

  • Emotional Autonomous Region | Gallery Func

    Emotional Autonomous Region When Crypto Meets Funeral & Wedding Artist: SHI Ruini Curator: MIAO Zijin Jun 30 - Jul 23 2022 INSTALLATION VIEWS WORKS ARTIST 施蕊妮 SHI Ruini SHI Ruini 「How should we present an inappropriate opening ceremony? 」This is the open question raised when the exhibition was initially conceived. Ruini Shi and her team present two virtual platforms named "FuneralPlay" and "LoveCounter" investigating whether a better and more friendly interactive experience could be achieved by users attending digital funerals and weddings if blockchain technology reaches certain maturity. De-centralized emotional service operations simulate "X-to-Earn", a reward mechanism of blockchain game. Participants invest in FuneralPlay in exchange for souvenirs in memory of the deceased (Play-to-Earn); likewise, the mourning time invested in FuneralPlay could be exchanged for souvenirs in memory of the deceased (Mourn-to-Earn). Lovers who sign LoveCounter, an intelligent marriage contract, will earn love Karma for the time they spend together online, the properties they contribute and the interactions between the two of them to trigger user-defined life events (Love-to-Earn). Are the new game rules in X-to-Earn for quantifying emotions sufficient to express true sadness or love? Can proof-of-love be delivered for cryptographic transactions? Emotional capitalism supported by Web 2.0, and in particular the dating software, have further standardized and commodified emotions. Through monitoring data generated by users with the assistance of algorithms lockchain-based Web 3.0 empowers users to take back ownership of their personal data from tech giants. What FuneralPlay and LoveCounter, the two interactive websites launched by the artist as conceptual and de-materialized media, produce are performative situations in which diverse values co-exist. Inspirations for scene constructions derive from creators' surveys and sampling of the identities and free will of their families and friends. Such non-fictional and unquantified data of emotions hereby collected attempt to draw an alternative collective portrait of contemporary youth. If "emotional autonomous region", which exists in parallel with the governance of the state or religion, is reckoned as one of the mental options for alleviating faith crisis, survival guide for the future may include a strategy of disappearance. In other words, escaping from the omnipresence of big data and managing our digital footprints at our own discretion have become an increasingly imperative urge. Within a closed system, encrypted funeral and wedding offer pathways for vulnerable individuals to cope with force majeure. When we reconnect with the real world, an inappropriate opening ceremony seems more like a ceremony of care, a scarce material in the contemporary context. Text / Miao Zijin

  • Jeremy Yamamura 暂时不更新 | Gallery Func

    ​Jeremy Yamamura WORK OVERVIEW ARTICLES EXHIBITIONS 錨點 1 Jeremy Yamamura was born in France in 1981, the artist started his first job in London after graduating in 2004 with a degree in Visual Communication in Bordeaux. Jeremy’s project “DOGZZZ” started more than 20 years ago in the streets of Bordeaux. The characters initially inspired by a simple doodle took on various shapes and forms over time, always spreading a positive fun energy while giving a social commentary. Artist Talk: I don’t remember a moment when I chose to be an artist, it came progressively, I draw since I’m a kid, the paintings and doing walls in the streets in my twenties. Later on, working on graphics, videos, motion, canvases and different support & medias. It can start off as an idea, a story I want to tell, a statement, music or just a visual composition. Then I move onto the medium. I prepare the canvas for example, work out the proportions, trace the detail and start painting. I am quite detailed oriented, so I look for every line to be precise and the colors evenly distributed. I usually make few pieces at the same time, using the same tones and juggle between the pieces, creating a series that I can enjoy making over and over again, repetition and improvement are key elements in my approach. In my work I talk about my daily life, personal experiences and my interests: music, culture and ideas that are important to me. I try to keep it light hearted and positive with a twist. I like the idea of making something visually appealing but also having a message or a statement that can emphasize the artwork. ARTWORK 錨點 2 錨點 3 EXHIBITIONS The Fiction July 11 - August 11, 2021 錨點 4 back to top

  • Fátima de Juan 停止更新 | Gallery Func

    Fátima de Juan WORK OVERVIEW ARTICLES EXHIBITIONS 錨點 1 The artist was born in Palma de Mallorca in 1984. She began using urban space as a creative support at an early age. Her work draws from New York graffiti and comics of the late 1970s as well as more modern European influences, from which she has developed her own language, both aesthetically and conceptually. ​ Artist Talk: ​ Art saves me from a grey and boring life and has allowed me to express myself and continue playing beyond childhood. It has made me find my place in the world. I'm inspired by fighting, nature, ancient cultures, strong wome. ​ ​ARTWORK 錨點 2 錨點 3 EXHIBITIONS GZ Contemporary Art Fair December 26 - December 29, 2021 The Fiction July 11 - August 11, 2021 錨點 4

  • Den godhjaertade | Gallery Func

    INTERVIEW ​ Peter Jeppson DEN GODHJÄRTADE KONSTNÄREN @Artworks Peter Jeppson inledde sitt konstnärskap inom graffitikonsten som sedan ledde in honom på grafisk design och tog även vägen förbi illustration. Idag ägnar han sig mestadels åt måleri, och broderi. Peter har ställt ut i solo- och grupputställningar i Sverige, USA, Slovenien och Storbritannien. Hans verk är fyllda av välkända seriekaraktärer men istället för att försöka göra en så verklighetstrogen avbildning av dessa skapar han snarare “dåliga kopior” men som adderar nya drag och andra ansiktsuttryck eller sinnesstämningar än vad man är van vid att se hos karaktärerna. Read More

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